Saturday, June 25, 2011


America is in deep trouble. We are drowning in debt, and we are in the midst of a protracted period of economic stagnation and dysfunction. But not to worry folks, ROB HAS A PLAN, and it is extraordinarily simple. ( If you would like to personally thank me for saving America, email me and I will give you wiring instructions to my checking account). My plan can be summed up in 5 simple words. Ready? Here goes:


It is that simple. Many people are surprised when I tell them I am not a Republican. Oh, I may vote Republican, as a choice between the lesser of two evils, but the problem with Republicans in Washington is they don't have any testicles (sorry to sound so clinical, but this is a family oriented blog). Nancy Pelosi has more testosterone than the entire GOP caucus , Rand Paul excepted. If one really believes that our government is corrupt, out of control and needs dramatic downsizing and restructuring, then DON'T RAISE THE DEBT CEILING.

This year we will spend $3.82 trillion, 43% of it, $ 1.665 trillion borrowed. $12,730 for every man, woman and child. $5,461 extra debt for every man, woman and child. In 2003, the federal government spent $2.154 billion. Can anybody remember 2003? The federal government was out of control back then too, spending 10% more than it did in 2002. I can't remember anyone in 2003 saying the federal government was living in a tarpaper shack.

We could easily cut spending back to 2003 levels. The only way to restructure government is to starve it. Necessity is the Mother of invention. $ 1.665 trillion less government spending, means $ 1.665 trillion of worldwide capital voluntarily flowing to productive wealth creating sources, instead of the dead weight of government. Voila, Rob saves America.

No need to thank me, just send money.

1 comment:


    You might find this interesting. American Debt Forgiveness. NOT SMART
