Saturday, March 17, 2012


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One of the great benefits of being generally disliked and loathed by so many people is you can say pretty much anything you want without worrying about folks getting mad at you.  I have already offended pretty much everyone who can read, which means most everyone in 49 of the 50 states. ( I am anxious for West Virginia to get its literacy rate above 10% so I can piss them off too). My point is I can speak the unvarnished truth and say things like  "Happy Drunken Irish Day." Seriously, what are the Irish really known for and don't tell me great writers like James Joyce and George Bernard Shaw,...the Irish are known for GETTING DRUNK AND FIGHTING. None of the happy, jovial blokes throwing up in the streets today watching Hibernian parades have even heard of Leopold Bloom's odyssey, nor do they know that St. Patrick really came from England, ....nope they are just getting drunk because its fun to get drunk and the Irish are damn good at it.

St. Patrick's Day's  popularity with the non-Irish has a lot to do with pretty much everybody likes to get liquored up and have fun. Now its a legit holiday! Perhaps this is really how the Irish really "Saved Civilization." 

 2012 West Virginia English
 Speaking Union Officers
Wouldn't it be a better world if we as a country/culture just called a spade a spade and gave things a more truthful moniker. Take Labor Day. Nobody works on Labor Day, so why the hell do we call it "Labor" Day? Wouldn't a more truthful name be "Day 6 Of The 10 Free Vacation Days Taxpayers Give To Incompetent Government Worker's Day."

Valentine's Day should be called "You Better Buy Her Something Or You Won't Be Gettinjiggy Day."

Mother's Day. See definition of Valentine's Day above.

Well, I would continue to rant about other names,  but it is a beautiful day and I am off to the Irish Festival,.....

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