Wednesday, June 1, 2011

NEKID WOMEN!!! Click Here For Pictures

Ok, there are no pictures of nekid women here, but I did include an image of Barney, cute isn't he? Sorry for the deception, I especially want to apologize to my friend Sarge, who I know was the first to hit the click button, but I had to get y'all's attention. You see my name is Rob and I am always Right. (This might have something to do with me being divorced, having women constantly throw drinks in my face and being called an A-HOLE on more than one occasion).

Our government is $14 trillion in debt, and we are spending $1.5 trillion more than we are taking in each year. Know how much money $1.5 trillion is? That is $5,000 of extra debt for every man, woman and child in America. So if you are married and have 3 children, the government just
ran up your American Express card $25,000. "Thank you Sir, may I have another!" In another 10 years, this will be $250,000 on your card. Since 50% of the American public pays no income taxes, every taxpaying family will be "chinged" $500,000 over the next 10 years, and at 3% interest (current 10 yr T-Bill), your card's balance will be $591,000.

What do you get for the Federalismos, I mean Federal-lame-o s charging $591,000 to your credit card? N-U-T-H-I-N. Most everything the Feds are doing with your money can be and is
being done by the private sector, more efficiently and at a fraction of the cost. Ouch! Thank you Sir, may I have another! Moreover, this incredible waste of money is crowding out real investment by the private sector that creates real jobs and lasting wealth. (This is why after trillions of dollars in faux "stimulus," the economy is still spiraling downward).

These numbers don't lie. Congress and Washington's actions are criminal. (Both parties are to blame). We are witnessing the most irresponsible period of government leadership in American history. Why? It ain't their money, that's why. These "Narcissitic Neros" care only about their own power and the next Georgetown cocktail party. They fiddle while Rome burns.

Unless, we "kick the bums" out, here is what history teaches us. The Beltway Senatorial Charlatans will purposefully debase the currency, confiscating trillions of dollars of hard earned private sector wealth to avoid the crisis they created. They will ask for our gratitude and votes for their "good deeds."

Thank you Sir, may I have another!!!

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