Saturday, September 17, 2011


Think This Dude Has A Job?
My point is this: when people have to "rely on themselves"  and are not given handouts from the federal government, they have a vested interest in the "social order" and the functioning of civil society. In these old Maggie Walker/Armstrong film clippings, there are no "dudes" walking around in baggy shorts with their butt crack showing. The black community of the time would not allow it; such behavior cheapens the whole community. Self -sufficient people are acutely aware of such negative social behavior which cheapens the collective whole and ultimately affects the livelihood of all in the community. People who "do things for themselves" instinctively recognize how society functions and thus, the importance of maintaining civil standards of decency, propriety and order.

In many respects, we don't need a "police state" to give us a well functioning and orderly civil society; a self-sufficient citizenry does this quite nicely. Recently, due to the hurricane in Richmond, most traffic lights at busy intersections were out, yet traffic flowed smoothly because the citizenry self-policed themselves. If anything, Richmonders  were TOO POLITE, "no Muffy, you go first, ..... no Alistair, you are my 2nd cousin and were always so dear to great-grandmother, I insist you go first!"

I have spent my whole adult life involved in entrepreneurial activities as a principal or an advisor/consultant. I am constantly amazed at the brilliant people I meet, who know "how to get things done," and have thought through the intricacies of very complex issues. These folks take risks and ask nothing from the government, other than to just be left alone. These folks make America work. Last week, I met with a new health care firm that has a radical model for enhancing doctor pay, reducing costs and giving patients more choices. It works, but unfortunately the federal apparatchiks regulating the industry will likely kill the company off. I contrast the incredibly talented people running this company with my recent visit to the Westhampton post office in Richmond. Never before was the contrast between the public and private sectors so apparent. The federal "workers" ( a misnomer as it implies people work) were lazy, rude and slower than January molasses. There was a 25 person line and an hour plus wait. The post office has a monopoly on mail service and yet is still going bankrupt. How many businesses allow people WHO ARE PAYING FOR SERVICES to wait to pay their money?  On my way out, after the postal worker couldn't do the simple task I requested, I announced to all, loudly..."folks, this is what health care is going to look like in a year." The place erupted in applause, and many hosannas of "Rob Is Right!"

The present administration is doing all that it can to make more people dependent on the federal government in an extreme radical attempt to transform America from a country of self-sufficient doers to a country of slow as molasses "serfs" who cannot "do" or "think" for themselves. They have declared the "doers" to be the enemy of the state.  The battle is not just about money, because  people who become dependent on the federal government have "no skin"  in the preservation of the American social fabric,  which is what has made this country unique in the history of the world.

My name is ROB and I AM RIGHT.

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