Years ago, my buddy Will Clark, gave me a book to read, the Charm School, by Nelson DeMille. A suspense novel, it was written before the Soviet Union disintegrated. The title "Charm School," derived from a "fictitious" school where captured Americans were studied by Russians to learn "how to be American," so that they could be better communist spies. Upon finishing the book, I developed the "Charm School Theory." DeMille's book was a work of fiction, but I deduced that the idea of the Soviets kidnapping Americans and "taking in" American prisoners from North Vietnam, North Korea and other places to train Soviet spies had to be true. Why? Logic, empirical evidence and an understanding of human nature. In a nutshell, the Charm School Theory is the application of these tools to predict political behavior. The Soviets killed millions of their own people. Their goal was to take over the world and undermine stable capitalist countries by any means. Why would evil respect international law. The ends always justify the means. Sure enough as was proven when the Soviet archives were opened up, Rob Was Right. No surprise there, huh folks?
Well, here's the news you haven't heard before. The Obama Administration conducted secret and warrant-less searches, spying and eavesdropping on their political enemies. We know with certainty that the IRS, the Department of Justice, the CIA and the FBI were weaponized to surveil and then attack Obama's political opponents. The media, even the conservative media is all focused on the sleazy and unlawful tactics employed by the Deep State to obtain warrants to spy on and later attack the "enemies of the state." Hello ( remember, I am the smartest man in the world), listen to me!
Utilize the Charm School Theory. At a minimum, Obama is a Neo-Marxist. Study him. Read his books. Look at his alliances. Blind faith in socialist polices always leads to totalitarianism. The goal is always to achieve the overthrow of traditional society utilizing whatever tools are available. The Constitution and the Rule of Law be damned. This is a maxim of the progressive left. Ethel and Julius Rosenberg were executed for giving top secret information to the Soviets. How is what Hillary Clinton did, leaving her server unprotected not just as heinous? Every bad actor in the world swiped her server. Yet, the Obama police state exonerates her, and in connection with other Deep State operatives, fabricates evidence to ruin the candidacy and then the presidency of a duly elected chief office of the United States. The list of Pete Strzok apparatchiks frothing at the mouth with hatred within the federal government is endless. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The FBI and the DOJ have limitless resources and conduct their policy decisions in secret. There is absolutely no accountability and virtually no consequences to these agencies engaging in criminal conduct to undermine our democratic institutions. What, are they going to prosecute themselves?
So, soak it all up folks. A sleazy warrant submitted to the FISA court creates a paper trail. There is nothing, absolutely nothing that prevents these agencies from secretly "wiretapping" virtually any citizen without warrants and due process. We will come to find out that the Obama Administration conducted hundreds, maybe thousands of secret wiretaps and surveillances of their perceived enemies in an effort to perpetuate their policies of dismantling democratic capitalism, and to make it impossible for any opposition party to win a future election. All police states start this way, and eventually, there are no more elections.
My name is Rob and I am always Right. Stay tuned, you will find out how right I am.
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