Tuesday, November 15, 2011



Herman Cain
I have news for the world. Men are pigs and women are crazy. I am the only nationally recognized (and acclaimed ) editorialist who has the guts to say this. Here, let me say it again: men are pigs and women are crazy. You won't be served this kind of meat and potatoes from the New York Times. Maureen Dowd, whose very existence proves the later part of my proclamation, will not admit this, but folks, let's face it: ROB IS RIGHT AGAIN.


Men Are Pigs
Scientific evidence confirms  that men think about sex 74 times every 6.5 seconds. I know of very few men who have not made a lewd comment towards a woman. Men are primal animals. Women civilize us. They domesticate us, they make us better people.  I will be the first to admit that women are better people than men. With this said, women are crazy. I know very few women who do not hold on to real or perceived grievances their whole life. 45 year old Louise hates 45 year old Jimmy because Jimmy forgot to return her  pencil back in the 7th grade. Billy Shakespeare knew what he was talking about regarding scorned women. Any divorced guys out there?  Yeah, well, you know what I am talking about. As soon as you walk out the door the revisionist history begins and suddenly you are a drunken, crack addict, deadbeat, child abuser, bank robber with a little p_ _ _ _. (this is a family oriented website, words such as penis are strictly prohibited, ...oooops). 

I have no doubt that Herman Cain may have tossed out some sexual innuendo. Men do such things. I also know that a man can never know how a woman is going to react to a compliment or a good natured ribbing.  I have had flower pots thrown at me for saying "you look nice in that dress dear."  

Shyster Lawyer
 I will also state something else that no other editorialist has the guts to say: Federal sexual  harassment laws are idiotic and should be repealed and have unintended negative consequences that far outweigh the benefits of these laws. Before we became such a sniveling, androgynous and litigious society and thus abdicated our rights and responsibilities to  piss ant pettifoggers, social convention ( which costs no tax dollars) did as a good of a job as is possible in holding men accountable for piggish acts. It worked like this, especially down here in the South: you mess with my daughter and I'm going to KILL you. It's that simple.         
( I trust all young men who may be inclined to date one of my daughters heard me). I have a lady friend, if some dude does not treat her with the ladylike deference she deserves, I will confront him, embarrass him, shame him and if he gives me any lip, I will punch him. This is what my daddy taught me and his daddy taught him. This is the way that social convention works, the perp is humiliated because all of society condemns his act. As a man, in my case, a big strapping hoss of a man, I have the absolute right to punch someone who takes advantage of a woman. No one is going to file a battery charge against me because fat slobs who treat women poorly get punched ( by big strapping hosses like myself) in a society that does not have EEOC laws. 

Strapping Hoss Kickin Ass
Enter the corrupt busybodies in Washington. They enact sexual harrassment  laws, sounds good and well intentioned, but there is always another motive in Washington. Congress is 90% lawyers. Follow the money, which leads straight to the trial lawyers' lobby, who in turn, give money straight back to Congress.  Once a "law" is enacted to fix a perceived problem, then all social  forces that were already monitoring and fixing the problem abdicate these social responsibilities to "the government." Society loses its self-policing function and is now stuck with an incredibly inefficient, cumbersome and expensive process that a big strapping hoss ( like myself) whose daddy "taught him right" was fixing for no costs.


Sexual harrassment  laws take advantage of the perfect storm created by the differences between men and women. Memo to Gloria Steinem: men and women are different.  In the vulgar age of "Real Housewives of Atlanta" do we really think that most of the women who bring actions are truly offended or actually harassed? No, these laws are just a gravy train for aggrieved and bitter  parties to make a quick buck. These inane laws are an incredible tax on jobs, and hurt the people they are "supposedly" protecting the most. However, the real purpose of these laws is to enrich slime ball lawyers.

Slime Ball Lawyer
I know. In 1994, a company I bought was hit with a series of these suits. One of my managers was a tough dude, tough, but fair. A few employees under him (men and women), complete white trash lowlifes , contacted Mr. P, a parasite EEOC plaintiffs lawyer, who brought a series of groundless EEOC and ADA suits. Mr. P, if you are out there today reading my blog, you are a complete slime ball. Mr. P instructed his clients to lie and they did. When they were caught in these lies, they were instructed to lie again. $440,000 in legal fees later, we won all of our cases. Indeed, several of the litigants perjured themselves. Excited to have the goods on these no count, worthless, trifling excuses for humanity, I went to my white shoe law firm and said " Boys, let's go to the U.S. Attorney and get him to prosecute these folks for lying under oath." I was met with bellyaching laughter, "why the U.S. Attorney is not going to prosecute anyone for perjury," snicker, snicker- how naive are you Smith! Aren't you boys outraged that someone would lie under oath." More snickers. That's when the light bulb went off and I learned a valuable lesson. Lawyers are crooks. They have no incentive to change the system, because they are part of the system. In every aspect in life, even things that appear august and noble, follow the money to see whose palm is being greased.

Follow the $$$

EEOC laws are nothing more than a tax on hiring people. In fact, this country would be at 100% employment if it were not for the array of silly "employment" laws that prevent people from being hired, keeping good talent on the sidelines instead of producing much needed goods and services in the private economy. The $440,000 wasted on this litigation would have been money used to grow my business, providing new and better jobs to deserving employees who produce a product that the public desires to buy on their own volition. Instead, these jobs were not created because the money is diverted through federal coercion to lawyers who produce nothing the public wants to buy. The people who profess to care about worker's rights are fattening their own wallets at the expense of a higher standard of living for workers who are not lawyers.

Speaking of Shakespeare and lawyers, there is a great quote in Henry VI.......


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