I have always been argumentative ( some might say cantankerous, but it is really my love of humanity that drives me to tell others how to think). Being always RIGHT about pretty much everything, I have spent a lifetime helping people by correcting their wrong headed ideas and letting them know how stupid they are. Most always, the recipients of such helpful instruction have appreciated my kindness and generosity in "showing them the light." I can remember playing football in high school, razzing another player, if they had no clever comeback, the dullard would simply say "Yo Mama." President Obama has no "comeback" to the dismal economy he created, so he merely screams "OUTSOURCING! " He might as well say "Mitt Romney- Yo Mama," and sit down because it would be just as idiotic. ( For the proper ettiquette on when one is allowed to say "Yo Mama," see post script below).
There is nothing wrong with outsourcing. The goal of business is to create PROFITS, not jobs. Profits create opportunities (jobs) for others as the free flow of capital will naturally flow to where it will be deployed most efficiently. The role of a business owner is to deploy whatever capital he has as productively as possible. No business owner sets as his goal to create "jobs," nor should this be a primary concern of any business owner: the pursuit of profits is the sole motivating force behind all business.
Go Live In France PLEASE!!!! |
Capital in a free market is not static. The invisible hand of the market place is contstantly at work molding and shaping capital to be as productive as possible, analysing trillions of bits of information every minute to produce what society wants and needs. One cannot view outsourcing in a simplistic, myopic way by professing that each job shipped over seas takes away a job in the United States. This is silly, sophomoric, insulting and down right STUPID.
I think Barack Obama should be outsourced to France.
See Page 67 Above On "Yo Mama" Rules of Etiquette |
The etiquette on being allowed to say " Yo Mama" is well established. In basketball, one gets to say "Yo Mama," when you have done something good. It is perfectly proper to say "Yo Mama" when you score on somebody or block their shot, but you don't say "Yo Mama" when you get called for traveling or shoot a free throw and miss the rim. It's stupid. Barack Obama, a socialist ninny who hates business and is presiding over the worst economy since the Depression is lecturing Mitt Romney, tremendously successful venture capitalist on job creation. It is vulgar breach of Yo Mama ettiquette.
Here, here...or is it, Hear here. Either way, I enjoy your commentary because I usually gain some insight in an area which I previously did not give a shit.