Saturday, July 28, 2012


Federalist Paper # 10
The tragic deaths of those movie goers in Aurora, Colorado is by now a familiar tale. A tragic event inflames passions and there is a rush "to do something." This is the danger of direct democracy and why fellow Virginian James Madison, the father of the Constitution advocated a republican form of government. In Federalist Paper # 10, Madison stated  "A pure democracy can admit no cure for the mischiefs of faction. A common passion or interest will be felt by a majority, and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party. Hence it is, that democracies have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths". Jemmy had it right.

Lexington and Concord
Of  course, the action being proposed is to restrict gun ownership. I am a passionate supporter of the 2nd Amendment, it is our most important individual right, because without it, we would have no rights whatsoever.  The battles at Lexington and Concord that sparked the Revolutionary War ( the Shot Heard Around The World") were fought because our own government attempted to disarm the citizenry.

Light or Darkness?
However, I am not going to "bang" on about gun rights, I want to identify and articulate upon the root cause of the Aurora tragedy: EVIL.  This is a subject that the liberal media avoids, because to do so would acknowledge certain spiritual truths that make them ( and truthfully most of us) extremely uncomfortable. For if one acknowledges the existence of God (which 90% of Americans do), then a whole panoply of sequential choices assert themselves which cannot be avoided. In another words,....if God exists, then what? The first choice is do we run to the light and submit to Him or do we escape to the darkness?

Satan, Lucifer, the Devil. In polite society and elite circles, the very concept of Satan elicits guffaws and sneers from the beautiful people. Only boorish snake handling hillbillies and rubes from the bible belt believe in "the devil." I will not try and convince you of Satan's existence, but I will state that the presence of Satan and man's imperfect and flawed nature is a central theme in  all Christianity. C.S. Lewis wrote much on the subject and believed as I do in not only Satan's existence, but in our complete power over Satan through Christ.

 Evil exists all around us, yet as a nation we never seem to have a dialogue about it because we are not supposed to talk about such things,.... it is impolite. Yet, if we acknowledge the existence of God, which a vast majority of us do, then isn't God's nature the greatest question and unsolved mystery in all of humanity and shouldn't this topic be the headline in every paper and the lead off story on "the nightly news?"

I am convinced that the reason we do not debate the nature and essence of God with the same vigor we discuss gun control  and other issues is because we are AFRAID.  If we acknowledge and submit, then we cannot be our own god, and it scares the hell out of us.

If through Christ we can conquer Satan and thus all evil, then wouldn't this solve all of the world's problems? James Holmes committed an evil act, yet last month in Chicago, there were 47 murders, 47 evil acts. Every night there are roughly 3,400 violent crimes committed against our brothers and sisters.

It seems to me that we as a nation waste an awful lot of time jawboning about little issues and avoid THE issue. If a way to stop all this madness has been divinely revealed to us, why isn't this discussion our national debate?


( who by the way is a woeful sinner and imperfect man)

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